Desired Outcomes Vs. Limiting Beliefs

What if while you were hiking you came to a roaring river and the only way across the river was a fallen tree trunk.  And what if while you were traversing the tree trunk I kept saying “Don’t fall. Don’t trip.”  You would probably be so focused on falling and tripping that this is exactly what you would do.  Now, what if I was saying “Stay focused on putting one foot in front of the other. Focus on walking along the tree trunk and walk easily and confidently”. How does that feel? Different?


I’ve experienced this phenomenon many times in my own life. I can vividly remember standing at the top of the hill of a paved path with my new roller blades and wondering how I was going to navigate the bottom of the hill.  I was with my boyfriend then (husband now) and we were discussing how to handle the section of paved path that crossed over a spillage pipe. Each side of the path at the bottom of the hill dropped off into a ditch. I remember my boyfriend saying, “Whatever you do, don’t go left and don’t go right or you will roll into the ditch”.  So, guess what I was focusing on? I started down the hill, and I could feel my body veering right. I sat right down on the paved path in my shorts which proceeded to slide up leaving bare skin.  Needless to say, we spent the next half hour picking the bits and pieces of the macadam out of my raw skin.  Painful lesson!!

When you ask people what they want in life, most people find it easier to tell you what they don’t like or want in their life. People turn their focus to what they want to move away from versus what they want to move toward. Our focus acts like a magnifying glass. Whatever we think about expands in our lives. Because what we focus on directs our brains to seek out and produce more of the same.  Internal negative dialogue will repeat over and over in our heads without any notice of the conversation taking place. With each stressful negative thought our brain will release chemical reactions that wash over our body. With each repetition the body can become addicted to this feeling. It doesn’t feel good, but it feels familiar. What are your subconscious beliefs that are fueling this cycle of action? How you develop your views of yourself, and the world is a product of your experiences.  Many times, people will have a difficult time perfecting change because their subconscious beliefs do not match their conscious beliefs.  The key is letting go of the limiting belief and reprogramming the subconscious patterns.

With hypnotherapy, you can learn to subconsciously reframe any situation or thought into a positive statement, creating a healthy chemistry, and releasing limiting beliefs about yourself. Most of my clients use hypnotherapy to release their minds of the negative associations that are preventing them from reaching their goals. They have realized the power of hypnotherapy to help identify and remove the limiting beliefs that prevented them from creating lasting positive changes in their lives.


What could you create in your life if you let go of your limiting beliefs and focused on what you want to happen in your life?